Thursday, September 24, 2009

13 Heroes

These are the latest heroes in my life. These are the cheerful, amazing teenagers I get to spend time with every day. They come to my house every school morning at 6am for seminary. We are studying the Book of Mormon this year. They are all in high school. Some have jobs. Some have lots of homework. Some have team practice and other activities for hours after school. Some have lots of responsibilities at home. All inspire me to try harder and be better.


Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

Look at the great looking bunch of kids. They are pretty awesome. SO are you my friend.

Michelle said...

They are all so good looking! What do you feed them in Ohio? I'd say you would be a pretty fun teacher to see every morning...did I mention you now have the express ticket to the celestial kingdom?

Bondfam said...

What a great bunch! You've done an amazing job! And you still are! Austin's to have you as his teacher!