Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This is the 9 passenger van (stick shift) that Steve got to drive all over Holland. On our first day with the van, the girls named it the party van. I think it was a valiant effort to make it a fun ride. Somewhere in the two hours of being stuck in traffic our first outing - we realized that it didn't have air -conditioning as promised and paid for. It did have great windows which allowed for great views and it was fun to ride together as a big group. . . and the driver was handsome. So no complaints here. And when you think that $4 a gallon is steep - think of the Europeans. Its been over $9 a gallon there for some time. 

This is Delft - where the blue china is made. More importantly, it is where my great - great grandfather was born. When we arrived - most of the shops were closed. Like I said - we had been stuck in traffic for a while due to an accident. The walk into the city was beautiful. We probably have 40 pictures of this town. Details if architecture, window boxes with flowers, church towers, canals, bridges and a few funny signs. But it takes a while to load - so these are my favorites. 
There were unique rooftops and facades in every city we visited. My favorite pictures in every city include rooftops. Every shape, size and color.

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